Looking thru the viewfinder, I imagine that perfect image capturing the split second of a moment. I keep both of my eyes open. One looking thru the lens and adjusting for the composition. The other viewing the larger picture and aiding in that compositional selection. It may take many clicks to capture the image, but it’s the sound of the click that resets my calibration and keeps those shots going!
My approach to my photography work is embodied by several underlying themes. The choice to highlight the interaction between the man-made structure and the natural world, the harmony and contrast inherent in urban landscapes, command over symmetry and rhythm in a composition, inviting contemplation on the nature of perception and reflection, and the exploration of contrasting textural subjects. One main theme found throughout his current series evokes the essence of time.
The Abandoned (lost but not forgotten) series is an ongoing and evolving body of work. These images stem from the exploration of those subject matters which are in pain sight but often ignored. Finding just the right image in this context has become a type of treasure hunt for me. These images present a unique beauty from their state of discord and decay. These subject matters have their own inherent beauty and often are juxtaposed against the obvious and sublime often taken for granted. The textures found in these series continue to amaze me.
The Intuition (reflections and silhouettes) series continues to be an inspiration. This body of photography is meant to capture something akin to looking into an hourglass. These images reference a specific moment in time with natural lighting and positioning being the key element. On one hand there is amazing imagery created with the refracting organic light. On the other, there is amazing clarity and powerful simplicity in the silhouette. These works are an indirect approach to the subject matter and specifically capture my intuitive vision.
Projected Influences (Travelers) is a body of work I have continued to explore and come back to time and time again. These photographs bring together 35mm and digital works. These are uniquely iconic subject matters that have highly influenced me throughout my travels of over 25 years. This is the idea of preserving a moment in time thru the documentation of imagery helps to support this concept of projecting feelings thru influential photography.
The Signals photography series involves symbol based imagery shot with both 35mm and digital cameras. These symbols are often found in our everyday life in the past, present, or perhaps even the future. Often, these symbols become taken for granted after time. Some seem to fade away from everyday observation. These photographs are intended to document imagery, texture, and symbolism and invoke emotion without speaking.
I have gained recent interest in action action photography in effort to focus on my wild life and sports interests. This is expanding my attraction to capturing that perfect, specific moment in time, at just the right time.